Common TTP Client FAQs


1. What is the service you are providing?

We are a full service property tax consulting firm. We help you lower your property tax burden by appealing the value assigned to your property by the county. 

2. How did you arrive at the values in the analysis?

The analysis includes both sales and equity analysis. We utilize similar adjustments as the appraisal district to arrive at these estimates. The value recommendations include properties most comparable to your property that support a reduction. These values are what we use to build our case. Our agents also review your client questionnaire and can use the evidence that you provide in the protest as well. 

3. Do I need to do anything?

Once you have submitted your signed engagement documents your job is complete. There will be a voluntary property questionnaire link that is emailed to you requesting any supplemental information that you would like to have evaluated and considered for your appeal. Other than that, we will file the protest, build a case using the analysis evidence, and protest on your behalf.  We will begin sending out results in mid to late September.  

Evidence Examples: condition pictures, settlement statements (check deed date), recent bids or estimates

4. Can we set up a meeting?

Unfortunately, all of our protestors are out in the field so we would not be available to set a meeting time. However, please know that our company has been in business since 2010 and hold a 79% success rate or all first-year clients like yourself. If you have additional information that you would like to submit, we ask for that as well. You know your property better than anyone else and can add this information into your client questionnaire. 

5. What is your success rate?

We have about a 79% success rate with first year clients.

6. Do you guarantee you will get the same reduction as listed on the letter I received?

We do not represent nor guarantee you any specific tax savings amount as your county tax assessor is under no obligation to reduce your property tax valuation - regardless of the quality of the case that we prepare.  The only guarantee we can offer is on our fee structure. We do not guarantee a reduction because the protest result is based on current market trends, which are subject to change. Remember if there is no value reduction there is no fee.

7. I’ve already filed a protest. Is that ok?

Unfortunately, if you have already filed a protest, we can not take you as a client for this year. If you have already filed that does not give us enough time to properly build a compelling case and run the risk of not being coded as your agent before the hearing date. I would be happy to place you on a call back list for the 2022 protest season.

8. Why would I want to do this every year?

The way the service works best is to have it ongoing to manage your assets and keeping your expenses as low as possible. And as always, if there is no reduction there is no fee. If you choose not to protest each year, your value could be adjusted to an unequal level and you would pay more in property taxes. This is a win-win situation.

9. Will you do a site visit (home visit)?

We do not do home visits for properties that we represent. It is not necessary since the county determines a value based on mass appraisal.  We build a case just like the County does using market and equity analysis of each property. However, because the county does not value properties based on the interior features of a home, we find that homeowner provided photos are helpful when appealing the value. 

10. Is this an ongoing (evergreen) contract?

Our contracts are ongoing since the most effective way to manage your property value is to file a protest each year. This way you ensure that you are only paying your fair share of the property tax burden for your area. You can cancel your agreement at any time before March 31st of that given tax year free of charge.

11. Can I come to the hearing?

No. As a firm, we do not receive individual dates for each property. This means that we could not tell you exactly when your property is going to be presented. However, keep in mind, you are hiring us to save you time and prevent you from taking time off work to sit and wait. 

12. What if I want to cancel the service?

Canceling is easy. Simply email us at before March 31st of that tax year.

13. What evidence can I give you / will help?

Thank you for asking. There is a property questionnaire that I can send you to fill out. This survey will ask about property condition and give you the opportunity to submit photos, estimates of repair, insurance quotes, purchase price or other documents that you would like considered as evidence in your case. We will only use what is beneficial to your case. 

14. My value went up after protest last year. I thought you said the results would last 3 years. What happened?

The marketing letter that you received mentioned an up to 3-year savings. The county is only required to re-appraise your property every 3 years. However, in your county, it is more likely that they will reappraise every year given that the market changes so quickly. This is why it is recommended to file a protest each year to ensure that your property value is managed overtime. 

15. How will a protest affect my monthly mortgage payment?

Your new tax bill will be calculated using your settled value. It will then be sent directly to your mortgage company to be paid. The following spring (Spring 2022), they will reconcile their accounts and do one of two things. They will either cut you a check for the overages that you have paid this year, or more likely, they will apply the overages to your escrow reserves. However, each mortgage company operates differently, and we recommend that you call them directly and ask about their process. 

16. Why would I choose you over any other company?

That’s a great question. There are many companies that do what we do. However, you won't find a more aggressive team to represent you. Our proprietary software is built to find the most accurate comparables, and our staff has over 100 years of combined experience in real estate and property tax matters. We have worked hard to build our 45K client base and maintain our 79% success rate for all first-time clients. Lastly, this is the only thing that our firm does. We solely focus on property values and market analysis. Ultimately, this decision is up to you.

17. The contract says that the fee won’t include my exemptions. What does that mean? 

Our fees does not include your exemptions because each county and each taxing jurisdiction applies the exemption discounts differently. However, your homestead exemption is applied to the value that we settle at. Not only will you save because your value is reduced, but you also receive the added benefit of your homestead exemption on an annual basis. 

18. Am I going to get a refund?

A protest will not result in a refund. We simply are changing the property value so that your property taxes are calculated using a lower value. 

19. If I protest, will this affect how much I can sell my house for?

That is a great question. A protest will only affect your property value for taxing purposes. You can sell your home for whatever a ready, willing, and able buyer wants to pay. 

20. What are the risks?

There are no risks if you want to hire us. We will evaluate your property individually based on the market and we will only act in your best interest. If for any reason we believe that your property value will increase, we will withdraw your protest. Your property value can only decrease or stay the same. The worst thing that the county can say is no. 

21. Are you licensed to do this? 

I am not licensed, however, the agent handling your case is licensed by the state of Texas and trained to appeal property values-based appraisal methods used by the county. (License name: Property Tax Consultant (PTC))